Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Archive - exhibitions


04 July 2024 > 26 July 2024
Špela Šedivy: Instructions for Use Are Enclosed

27 June 2024

11 June 2024 > 11 July 2024
Unfamiliar Area | Marija Klun: “Deterioration of Form”

06 June 2024 > 21 June 2024
25. Red Dawns | 40 years of LGBT movement in Slovenia | Rick Burger: “Portraits of Strength”

07 May 2024 > 31 May 2024
Nataša Skušek: In Mother’s Shoes

17 April 2024 > 17 May 2024
Unfamiliar Area | Tian Breznik, Ana Meisel: “Blink”

04 April 2024 > 26 April 2024
Lealudvik: The Other of the Same

07 March 2024 > 27 March 2024
25th Red Dawns | Sara Skenderija: “ZOMI”

04 March 2024 > 04 April 2024
Unfamiliar Area | Hana Besjedica & Hana Jelovšek: “Contemporary Woman”

13 February 2024 > 01 March 2024
Žan Gašperič: Alone, But Not Really

19 January 2024 > 07 February 2024
Jaka Vatovec: False Magic 9


13 December 2023 > 13 January 2024
Unfamiliar Area | Vid Koprivšek: “Cosmetic Piracy”

13 December 2023 > 13 January 2024
Unfamiliar Area | e________: Bloody Quilt, War and Death

07 December 2023 > 07 January 2024
Unfamiliar Area | Beti Frim: “Trashies”

28 November 2023 > 29 December 2023
Mentorship + | Aleksandra Saška Gruden & Ajda Kadunc: Diving Into the Speculative

06 October 2023 > 03 November 2023
Le Dernier Cri: Mondo DC

08 September 2023 > 29 September 2023
[30th anniversary of ACC Metelkova mesto ] Andreja Gomišček: Calculations? I Never Do.

09 August 2023 > 25 August 2023
9th Reciklart Festival | Re/min/ders – group exhibition

26 July 2023 > 26 August 2023
Unfamiliar Area | Claudi Sovrè: “Inner Saboteur (‘Don’t Call the Devil!’)”

06 July 2023 > 21 July 2023
Abdelhakim Asnabla: Notes on the Margins of Exile

11 June 2023 > 12 July 2023
Unfamiliar Area | Tamara Mihalič: “In Spasm”

02 June 2023 > 02 July 2023
Unfamiliar Area | Lučka Centa: “Skin We Are Born Into”

09 May 2023 > 30 June 2023
Ljubljana Pride Festival 2023| International Queer Solidarity: Images of Resilience and Hope

09 May 2023 > 28 May 2023
24th Red Dawns | Meta Krese: “We’re Waiting in Vain”

13 April 2023 > 13 May 2023
Unfamiliar Area | Hana Zadnikar: “Object Subject”

06 April 2023 > 28 April 2023
Traces of Presence – a group exhibition of students of The Academy of Fine Arts and Design (ALOU)

06 March 2023 > 31 March 2023
24th Red Dawns | Iris Pokovec: “They Came to be the Crowd”

02 March 2023
24. Rdeče zore | Tatiana Kocmur: “The Following Body”

21 February 2023 > 21 March 2023
Unfamiliar Area | Žiga Gojević: “Can You Hear the Bells”

02 February 2023 > 28 February 2023
Barbara Jurkovšek: “Plastic is Forever”


30 December 2022 > 30 January 2023
Unfamiliar Area | Amadeja Keršič: “How Is It To Be a Clown”

28 December 2022 > 20 January 2023
Mentorship+| Meta Kastelic and Urša Rahne: “On the Edge of Awareness”

16 December 2022 > 16 January 2023
Unfamiliar Area | Svitlana Ryabishchuk: “Palianytsia”

08 December 2022
Unfinished Business

23 November 2022 > 23 December 2022
Unfamiliar Area | Sara Skenderija: “Faktotum MXM:06”

21 November 2022 > 02 December 2022
Pita Project: “Pite, jejte, pite, jejte”

14 November 2022 > 21 November 2022
Nina Goropečnik: The Objects Must Meet Certain Conditions.

07 November 2022 > 14 November 2022
Rea Vogrinčič: “Placeholder”

29 October 2022 > 29 November 2022
Unfamiliar Area | Pika Terpin: Cancer

06 October 2022 > 28 October 2022
[28th City of Women Festival] The South in Us: Constructing and Performing Ideology

05 October 2022 > 05 November 2022
Unfamiliar Area | Lara Žagar and Oskar Kandare: The Hole

05 October 2022 > 05 November 2022
Unfamiliar Area | Lucija Klauž: Dodge, Lag and Delay

08 September 2022 > 31 October 2022
[29th ACC Metelkova mesto anniversary] Rok Mohar: “Horus”

08 September 2022 > 30 September 2022
[29th ACC Metelkova mesto anniversary] “Terra inhabitabilis − Life after the End of the World”

10 August 2022 > 13 August 2022
8. Reciklart – Artistic Festival of Recycling and Culture

19 July 2022
Unfamiliar Area | “ft.props”

29 June 2022 > 19 July 2022
Ljubljana Street Art Festival 2022 | Epos 257: Entry Prohibited

24 June 2022
Group exhibition event: “Only the End Seemed to be Within our Grasp”

23 June 2022 > 23 July 2022
Unfamiliar Area | Zala Klančnik: “=”

03 June 2022 > 24 June 2022
Gala Alica Ostan Ožbolt: Someone’s Land

06 May 2022 > 29 May 2022
Živa Drvarič – Aparthotel

05 April 2022 > 22 April 2022
23th Red Dawns | Marijo Zupanov: “Under the Tuck”

25 March 2022
23th Red Dawns | Anita Wach: “Rectum”

12 March 2022
23th Red Dawns | Saša Bezjak: “International Bezjak Red”

04 March 2022 > 25 March 2022
23th Red Dawns | Urška Preis: “Dolores – Pain Through the Image of Sound”

20 February 2022 > 28 February 2022
30th Anniversary of the Erasure: Atrocities do not Become Statue-barred: We won’t Forget the Erasure, nor Rog, nor Comrades that are no Longer Among us

11 February 2022 > 11 March 2022
Unfamiliar Area | Ognjen Odalović: “Dystopia”

19 January 2022 > 18 February 2022
UPATA & Igor Šinkovec: V gozdu (In the Forest)


27 December 2021 > 27 January 2022
Unfamiliar Area | Miha Majes: “Dark Fantasy”

22 December 2021 > 14 January 2022
Mentorship+| Petra Korent: Dates 4 Ever

05 November 2021 > 25 November 2021
The Ego of the Artist

04 November 2021 > 04 December 2021
Unfamiliar Area | Nuka Horvat: “Trans Threatened”

02 October 2021 > 28 October 2021
[27. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS — CITY OF WOMEN] Dr. Xenia: ” The Forth Corner: Rights for Our Fights”