Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Unfamiliar Area | Lucija Klauž: Dodge, Lag and Delay

05 October 2022 > 05 November 2022 Kindly invited to the mini online exhibition "Unfamiliar Area" by Lucija Klauž "Dodge, Lag and Delay", curated by Lene Lekše.

The fleeting images of trees, building façades and hanging power lines interweave and merge into an abstract panoramic postcard alongside the rumble of the train. The journey by train and transient landscape, which is painted through the window frame, are the starting points for the creation of the work Occasional Alienations by an artist Lucija Klauž. During the ride and subsequent reflection on photographs she takes on the journey, the author wonders about the possibility of alienation from her own present and about feelings, the understanding and evaluation of time. She records the process of the trip in a classic tourist manner with photography. She then transforms collected photographic 'souvenirs' into virtual 3D models, in which the original photos can no longer be recognized. She creates new objects: 3D animations that try to stay trapped within the movement.

The past has never existed except through narrative, so it always seems absent to us. Similarly, the 3D models appear elusive and missed. The artist creates them in order to materialize a moment in time, a possible view of as yet undiscovered landscape that has eluded the gaze of many travellers – including her own. The created objects become nostalgic souvenirs that dictate history of a possible future. In the form of wall projections, they become a new reflection of the landscape, which is caught in an endless slow, meditative cycle. Temporary virtual models are offered to the viewer as panoramic views – floating dioramas of lost temporality. The artist writes: 'No return brings me to the same place. Every time I stumble upon something different.' There are therefore more and more created models, meanwhile, the final form will probably never be captured. Alongside the exhibited projections, the artist also puts original documents on display: photographs taken with a phone, which now seem foreign and unreal next to the animations.

The link to the animation:

LUCIJA KLAUŽ (1999) is a visual artist and critic. In 2022, she graduated from the Department of Video, Animation and New Media of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. In her practice, through copying, repetition, printing and translation, she explores the meanings that are formed when words, sentences or entire texts are transformed into new environments and contexts. With careful documentation of the surroundings through various media, she explores the ways of the individual's understanding and recording of temporality – missed, current and temporary.

In 2022, she presented the light installation Notes on Reflections at the festival Lighting Guerrilla in Ljubljana. She participated in the 5th Triennale of Young Artists: Première 2022 at the Contemporary Art Gallery in Celje. This year, she was selected for the Young Masters residency program as part of the Interference festival in Tunisia. Since 2020, she has been working as a reviewer in the newsroom for the culture and humanities of Radio Student.


Occasional Alienations, animation, 2022 -



Other Unfamiliar Area exhibitions

Nina Baznik: Unfamiliar Area 

and others on the downside of the page


Curator: Lene Lekše
Proof-reading (Slovene language): Neja Berlič
Translation (to English language): Ana Makuc
Financial support: Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City Council Ljubljana - Department for Culture