Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Activities archive


08 December 2022 19:00
Unfinished Business

Kindly invited to the Unfinished busines event
on Thursday, 8 December at 7. pm
to ACC Metelkova mesto, in Alkatraz Gallery, 

that will become a space to show unresolved and unrefined works - in video format. The intention of this screening is to discuss and share the struggles and small successes along the way. To help each other out of self-doubt and broaden perspectives, before the videos are finished and forgotten.


It is a one-night event, of failed productions, popcorn, and tears.
The night to finish, the unfinished.

Participating artists: Lucija Klauž, Lara Reichmann, Ana Likar, Anne Tassel, Qendrese Deda, Jovana Đukić, Bibi Erjavec, Aki Frostason, Milly Yencken, Maša Knapič, Carmen Santesmases,  Selina Rotman, Maja Bojanič , Till Schönwetter, Lene Lekše and a few more.


06 April 2018 20:00 > 26 April 2018
Skupinska razstava “Slaba odločitev?”
Prelistajte naš katalog ali si ga naložite.

Za pomoč pri opremi za razstavo se zahvaljujemo Zavodu za sodobno umetnost SCCA-Ljubljana. in Forumu Ljubljana.

Spremljevalni program: vodstvo in pogovor o razstavi, petek, 13. april, ob 19:00.

Lenka Đorojević & Matej Stupica ustvarjata kot tandem od leta 2012, v skupni praksi razvijata dela na preseku interaktivnih instalacij, scenografij in drugih medijev. Svoja dela sta predstavila v MGLC-ju v Ljubljani, v Narodni biblioteki Srbije v Beogradu, 2012; v MoTi - Muzeju tranzitornih umetnosti v Ljubljani, 2014, v galeriji P74 in MSUM v Ljubljani, 2015; na 8. trienalu sodobne umetnosti U3, Onkraj naše oble, v Moderni galeriji, v Jakopičevi galeriji, v galeriji P74, v Ljubljani in RU - Residency unlimited v New Yorku, 2016; na International Performance Art Week in galeriji A+A v Benetkah in Umetniškem prostoru U10 v Beogradu, 2017. Za svoje delo sta prejela nagrado skupine OHO, 2015. Živita in ustvarjata v Ljubljani.

Nika Oblak & Primož Novak 

raziskujeta sodobno družbo pod vplivom medijev in kapitala, ter podrobno predstavljata njeno vizualno in lingvistično strukturo. Njuna dela so bila predstavljena na uglednih prizoriščih sodobne umetnosti po vsem svetu: Sharjah Biennial (UAE), Japan Media Arts Festival, Tokijo (JP), Istanbul Biennial (TR), Biennale Cuvee, Linz (AT), Transmediale Berlin (DE), FILE Sao Paulo (BR) ...

Prejela sta številne štipendije in nagrade, med drugim CYNETART Award, ki jo podeljuje Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau v Dresdnu (DE) in častno omembo umetnostnih kritikov na WRO Media Art Biennale, Wroclaw (PL). V 2018 jime je MMC Kibla, Maribor (SI) podelil nagrado Beli Aphroid za posebne dosežke v umetnosti.

Small but Dangers (Mateja Rojc & Simon Hudolin Salči) rojena 1977. Pod skupnim imenom Small But Dangers sta začela sodelovati l. 2004 z razstavo Proces v Mladinskem centru C.M.A.K. Cerkno. Od l. 2010 ju zastopa Center in galerija P74.

Fotografije: Nada Žgank.

Small but Dangers, Tandem, 2012, prostorska risba, razlicne dimenzije



23 March 2015 00:00 > 12 June 2015
Jan Bejšovec – writer-in-residence at KUD Mreža
The Battle for Metelkova

KUD Mreža association hosted Jan Bejšovec from March 23rd till June 12th 2015 as a Writer-in-residence. His stay was part of a German educational program for the support of culture and tourism and financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).

The main goal of his visit in Ljubljana was to meet the inhabitants of Autonomous Cultural Centre Metelkova and in-depth exploration of history, structure and dynamics of everyday life inside this space. During the time he spent at KUD Mreža, he managed to meet most of the artists who have their studios inside Metelkova, other users of the space & different people who are a part of the history of the Metelkova movement. He also attended monthly Forums - the gathering of all the community, spent hours in various archives and other institutions providing records about the Metelkova barracks and also devoted his time to explore the artistic system in Ljubljana, through meetings with its actors and attending various events.

The most important result of Bejšovec’s stay is the study The Battle for Metelkova that depicts the short history and development of the space, where the Autonomous Cultural Centre is localized. The document is an interesting outsider’s opinion on the past and the present of Metelkova, a viewpoint that gives the community the chance to see itself in a different perspective.

The English text of the study is available here and the German version here.

Jan Bejšovec (1975) is a German artist whose work is dedicated to the textile arts and in addition contains pictures, installations and objects. The main subject of his art revolves around political or historical issues. He studied different degree programmes, including Political and Historical sciences. After 1997, he worked some years as a journalist in the Turkish capital Ankara. His professional work as a textile artist began after moving to Berlin in 2007 and then also the first exhibitions took place. The single show at ARD Hauptstadtstudio in 2011 and the group show 2012 at The Bundeswehr Military History Museum in Dresden with Anselm Kiefer and Michael Sailstorfer were his first successes. Under the label KONFLIKTSTOFF Bejšovec frequently deals with political and social themes. Jan Bejšovec lives and works in Berlin.


07 March 2013 20:00 > 08 March 2013
Nataša Skušek: video installation “A Real Man” and artist talk
Project  is a part of the 14th International Feminist and Queer festival Red Dawns.

You are kindly invited also to the rest of the programme of the Red Dawns festival (from 5th until 10th March)

Nataša Skušek is a visual artist, using and combining different media in her work. The prevailing theme of her work is an unequal position of women in contemporary society. She frequently problematizes gender stereotypes and roles prescribed to women by the society. The main areas forming her work are pregnancy, motherhood, home/housewife work, intimate relationships, food ingestion, and free time.

In her lecture, she is going to focus on artistic works (videos, photography) touching upon feminist topics. We also cannot bypass her exhibition, entitled ‘Mamica, dojilja, žena, negovalka’ (‘Mother, breastfeeder, wife, carer’) (Center in Galerija P74, 2006), in which she thematizes women’s incapability of fulfilling numerous social roles ascribed to them. In the context of this exhibition, she screened the video ‘Fliperautomat’, which is a humorous way of the representation of four activities considered to be taken on by women in a taken-for-granted way. In this video, a woman is a ball in the pinball machine, jumping between the roles of a mother, wife, breastfeeder and carer. Her artistic work is strongly related to her own life – in it, she also warns against the disappearance of the female artist.

In her work ‘Ekstaza’ (‘Extasis’), she exposes the myth of a wonderful motherhood and emphasizes the mother’s self-effacement. Whereas in the popular media breastfeeding is represented as a gentle act, her video shows the artist herself making painful facial expressions in the act of breastfeeding. Her message is that babies being breastfed are not gentle beings and that breastfeeding mothers often suffer from the inflammation of the breast tissue.

In her screenings entitled ‘Lebdenje’ (‘Floating’) and ‘Toaleta’ (‘Fancy dress’), Nataša Skušek focuses on women and relaxation, pointing to the fact that women’s relaxation time is being more and more pushed into the area of the private. As women are being expelled from  the public space, their only refuge has become the bathroom. The bathroom in Skušek’s work becomes a woman’s temple of healing and rest, where she removes herself from the rest of the world, which expects from her to be a perfect mother, housewife, and a sexi career woman. The female body in this work is projected from the wall onto the bathtub, where the woman rests and heals her daily wounds.

In 2002 and 2003, Nataša Skušek cooperated with Duba Sambolec on two video performances: Nohomevideos© Collectors #3 Settings in Nohomevideos© Collectors #4 Revisited. The collection of her videos is being kept in Digital video archive Diva SCCA-Ljubljana.

After the lecture, the audience will have an opportunity to have a quick look at her exhibition ‘Pravi moški’ (‘Real man’) in Galerija Alkatraz in 2014. Video installation with two videos, ‘Golica’ and ‘Heri’, set one opposite to the other, is a caricature of the contrast of male and female roles in the society. Golica is one of the songs belonging to the genre of national music; in the video, the artist dances to this song. In front of her is a female torso, moving her butt according to the male viewer’s whistling rhythm. The video Heri shows the process of making a braid out of a male ear. Its message is that women were supposed to be pleasing men, while men are the ones who were supposed to be nurtured and accepted the way they are. The exhibition in Galerija Alkatraz (Alkatraz Gallery) tackles socially prescribed outlook and behaviour of men, their feelings, and their perceptions of their female partners. With an example, it shows what a real man actually looks like, and how far (luckily) he is from the perfect image ascribed to him.

The artist also holds a bitter-sweet surprise for the exhibition opening – fortune cookies with notes foreseeing, not the future, but the present, including chauvinistic sayings, being angrily collected by the artist for years.

You have a chance to have a look at the videoinstallation also this Friday, between 10am and 5om, in Metelkova 6, Projektna soba SCCA-Ljubljana.

Nataša Skušek (1967, Ljubljana) holds a BA and an MA from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana. In 2000, she was awarded with Prešernova nagrada.  She has been collaborating at various exhibitions at home and abroad since 1999 — including the international festival Break 2.2 Invisible Threat at Ljubljana’s castle (2003), in Galerija P74 with her exhibition ‘Mother, breastfeeder, wife, carer’ (2006) (joining photography, video, objects, and sound), at City of Women festival with an installation ‘Light blue and pink’ in a supermarket Nama (2007), at the Bienale of women’s art in Incheon, South Corea (2009), at the exhibition ‘Feminist art in Slovenia’ (2010), at the European exhibition ‘Cologne OFF 2011’, ‘Pain with the thousand teeth’ (2011), etc. Her light blackboard has been exhibited in Klub Tiffany, AKC Metelkova Mesto, since 2011. She also won the third place at the 13th haiku competition ‘Timelessness of cherry flowers’, organized by a literary magazine ‘Apokalipsa’, Ljubljana.

Co-production: Center for Contemporary Art SCCA-Ljubljana, Alkatraz Gallery

The videoinstallation will be on view also on March 8thbetween 10am and 5pm.

In Slovene. Translation to English available on demand.


08 May 2012 19:00
Alenka Sottler: Good Afternoon/ Guided tour
More about the exhibition you can find here.

Photos from the guided tour you can find here.

11 January 2012 00:00
Matej Stupica /Escape from Alkatraz: Organic jam session
Matej Stupica (1987) has completed his studies of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. He creates in various fields of visual art, ranging from comics, illustration, and painting to installation. His artist book Hedgehogs was chosen in a tender of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute, “Artist Book 2005” and was exhibited at the 27th International Biennial of Graphics. He publishes his illustrations in Objective, a supplement of Dnevnik newspaper. In 2008, at the 8th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration, he won the Hinko Smrekar prize for newspaper illustration. In 2009 he received a prize of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design for special artistic achievements in 2007/2008. In 2011 he received a student Prešern award for painting. In 2011 he also studied painting at AAAD in Prague. The works, exhibited at the exhibition Escape from Alkatraz, represent his diploma works at ALUO with prof. Žiga Kariž and co-mentor prof. Borut Vogelnik.

More about the exhibition you can read here.

Photos of the event you can see here.

Photo: Sunčan P. Stone

Thanks to:

Brane Ždralo, Katerina Mirović, Marko Kragelnik, Sašo Vollmeier, Žiga Kariž, Borut Vogelnik, Samo Sajovic, Tomage Dolenc, Lenka Đorojević, Neža Jurman, Jonas A., Matija Stupica


KUD Mreža/Galerija Alkatraz 2011


Strip CoreForum Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

Zavod za kulturo Delavski dom Trbovlje, Trg svobode 11A, 1420 Trbovlje

Galerija ŠKUC, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana


The activity of Alkatraz Gallery is supported by the Ljubljana Municipality, Cultural Department and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

KUD Mreža/Galerija Alkatraz is a member of Asociacija, the association of non-government organizations and independent creators in the field of culture and art in Slovenia and a partner of the artyč open archive project.


22 November 2011 18:00
Vasja Nagy: Post/Art in a Suitcase

Exhibition and presentation of the project

Vasja Nagy, the author of the project Art in a Suitcase, carried out in September 2010 at eight European cities (Vienna, budapest, Prague, Dresden, Berlin, Ravena, Mola di Bari, Carigrad), will with an exhibition and a presentation present where and when it has all began, and where it has all led to. Besides artists from Slovenia, Ana Watzinger, artist that joined the project in Vienna and  Denise Parizek, the head of  Schleifmühlgasse 12-14 Gallery in Vienna will join in.

Art in a Suitcase starts as a curatorial project depending on the initial communication between the curator and artists involved. Based on the idea of a travelling exhibition that can fit into one traveller’s suitcase and be presented or exposed virtually in any place. Once the initial selection is done and packed, the curator starts the travel by most convenient means. Destinations are in fact places where the curator has been invited to carry out an event.

Selection of the works for the suitcase

The initial selectionwas made after a personal invitation to 7 artists in the curator’s starting point proximity. Basically there is a broad main theme that directs a bit and concerning travelling as course of life and vice versa together with coincidences at encountering the unknown. At selecting some practical issues are regarded like size, weight and fragility of the artwork.
During the travel additional contributions to the selection are encouraged with occasional invitations by the curator to the locally present artists and always with consideration of the artworks already included. The dialogue between artworks and/or influencing the meanings between them is crucial.

One of basic ideas in this project is to bring heterogeneous artworks into intense communication among them as well as with different contexts and audiences through constant time/space shifting. This way a vivid dialogue between the curator and the environment of his activity is pointed out too.

Participating artists

At departure:
Uršula Berlot, Marko Brecelj, Vesna Bukovec, Gani LLalloshi, Žiga Okorn, Bojan Radovič, Tilen Žbona

Joined later on: Luca Barberini, Emilie Delugeau, Aline Helmke, Til Köhler, Annabel Lange, Algirdas Narmontas, Matthew Schum, Anna Watzinger

The project was hosted at:

Vienna (A), Schleifmühlgasse 12-14, Budapest (H), Studio Gallery FKSE, Prague (Cz), m.odla Gallery, Dresden (D), Runde Ecke, Berlin (D), SintflutStudio, Ravenna (I), Associazione Culturale Mirada, Mola di Bari (I), Pangea S. N. C.. Istanbul (Tr), Depo

More about the project:

Program of the Alkatraz Gallery is supported by City Council Ljubljana, Department for culture and the Ministry for culture of the Republic of Slovenia. The project is also supported by the Austrian cultural forum.

Photo: Sunčan P. Stone

Vienna (A), Schleifmühlgasse 12-14

Budapest (H), Studio Gallery FKSE

Prague (Cz), m.odla Gallery

Dresden (D), Runde Ecke
Berlin (D), SintflutStudio
Ravenna (I), Associazione Culturale Mirada
Mola di Bari (I), Pangea S. N. C.
Istanbul (Tr), Depo

16 November 2011 17:00
Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative / Refuge – guided tour
More about the exhibition and the 29th Biennial of Graphic Arts you can find here.

05 October 2011 17:00
Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative / Refuge – guided tour
More about the exhibition and the 29th Biennial of Graphic Arts you can find here.

09 June 2011 00:00
Workers–Punk University panel discussion: Small state, big society
What is one day in twenty years? A holiday. A holiday is a festive day, a day of celebration and a day to be filled with joy from dusk till dawn. The Peace Institute has been working for twenty years now. We do what we do because we want to do it, can do it and know how to do it. And we sure know how to celebrate. Join us!

The Peace Institute collective,

and for it dr. Lev Kreft


Programme of the 20th anniversary of the Peace Institute, Thursday, June 09 2011

11.00 – 12.30: Presentation of the book “War and Peace: Reflections of the Last Twenty Years” (book series Politike, Peace Institute Press). Discussion with the contributors and the editors of the book (Vlasta Jalušič and Lev Kreft).

Menza pri koritu

18.00 – 19.30: Workers–Punk University panel discussion: Small state, big society;


19.00 – 20.00: Treats from the Schengen kitchen.

Klub Gromka

20.00 – 20.30: Awards at the 20th anniversary of the Peace Institute.

Klub Gromka

20.30 – 21.30: Rozinteater: Kabareté Simplozij.

Klub Gromka

21.30 – 22.30: Preformance by Marko Brecelj: Grateful mercenary.

Klub Gromka

22.30 - DJane LIDIJA: Ska got Soul!

Klub Gromka

During the program you can also see a gallery of photos from Peace Institute’s events by Borut Krajnc and others, and a selection of publications and books which will be available for visitors free of charge.

Due to limited number of places for the theater show and the concert we invite you to reserve a place by 27th May 2011 via email or telephone 01 234 77 26.

19 May 2011 00:00
Tina Smrekar / Moments of Chance – guided tour
Cordially invited to a guided tour with the artist Tina Smrekar through her exhibition Moments of Chance on Thursday, 19th of May at 1pm and also on Monday, 23rd of May at 6pm.

More about the exhibition you can see here.

06 May 2011 18:00
Tadej Pogačar / Quarter to Two – guided tour
You are cordially invited to the guided tour through the exhibition of Tadej Pogačar Quarter to Two on Friday, 6th May at 6pm. Vladimir Vidmar, one of the curators and participants of the 13th year of the school World of Art, will present the exhibited art work. Other curators and participants will be present at the event, probably the artist as well.

More about the project you can see here.

09 April 2011 00:00 > 29 April 2011
Deej Fabyc / Artist in Residence program in Artist’s Asylum, Metelkova mesto
Deej Fabyc who has already exhibited an art video in Ljubljana as a part of a group exhibition at  the International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns, is now staying at Artist's Asylum in Metelkova City as an artist in residence. During her stay she will have a lecture and a presentation of her artistic and curatorial work at the Centre for Contemporary Arts SCCA-Ljubljana. The focus of the lecture will be the present art work she is developing here in Slovenia. In mid June, she will return to Ljubljana for a few days to realize a set of performances and an installation as part of her solo exhibition at the Alkatraz Gallery.

Process and research are important for her engaged performance/video presentations. In the case of the work in progress for her forthcoming exhibition at the Alkatraz Gallery she takes the fact that she has lived in Ljubjana for a few months as a child as the starting point. Back then she believed that her father might have been a spy since he was travelling a lot and worked in several “Eastern Block” countries during the late 60s and 70s. He worked in Ljubljana as a consultant statistician for the Tito's administration in 1970. This was the only time he had brought his family with him to consultancies. During her stay in Ljubljana in 1970 she was living at the Bellevue Hotel with her family.

Her plan is to uncover the concealed traces of public and private histories through which we inhabit and see the city. She will trace her childhood memories on a journey, taking a path as a cartographer of both, her own memory and potential made up details, layering an alternative history onto the city. The search has begun at the Archive of the Republic of Slovenia, and is now extending further.

For the presentation at the SCCA - Ljubljana Fabyc will present some stories about her earlier works and ask the audience to join her in the current investigation. With your help and contribution, the artistic work might evolve even further.  As part of her work she has been tracing leads on her father, Paul Duncan Jones, so the lecture is also a call for information connected to him.  If you want to share your memories about him or the Bellevue Hotel, please contact the Alkatraz Gallery at:

The artist’s opus addresses psychological dimension of a personal and political experience of trauma. She is an artist who is fascinated by the resonance of personal histories in the context of a wider public concern and engagement with social systems. Her work takes up “the personal is political” statement as read, and does not differentiate between art and life. Having worked with large scale performative installations and video in the 1990s, she has – in the last decade - focused more on film and live engaged performance as these are more portable media. Deej Fabyc has exhibited internationally since the early 1990s. Her key exhibitions include “Dialogue” curated by Theo Tegalaars at W139 Gallery in Amsterdam, Contempora at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne Australia, and  the touring exhibition “Don’t Call It Performance”, curated by Paco Barragan which premiered at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid and concluded at El Museo Del Barrio in New York. She is also committed to exhibiting and working with other artists as part of her practice and realizes it through her directorship of Elastic Residence in London since 2004 as well as part of KISSS, a group of artists interested in the issues concerning surveilliance. She has curated numerous exhibitions in London and Australia. The artist lives in London, and is currently visiting lecturer at the subject Time Based Media at the London Metropolitan University.

Production: KUD Mreža/Galerija Alkatraz, MAsarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana

Coproduction: Art center, Institution for Development and Art, Dunajska 196, 1000 Ljubljana;  Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA - Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana

26 March 2011 00:00
Dario Seraval’s lecture: LEGALIZATION OF AUTONOMY!/ RealForma

Attractor: Dario Seraval

Lecture/RealForma will be illustrated by 5 video works/spots and contains 3 theories/3 topics:
-The theory of avant-garde: Avant-garde is art that effects in the Real
-The theory of love: I do not believe in the Twosome that is created one for the other, and that the Twosome is fulfilled when they meet. I believe in the Twosome that meet and the Twosome constructs  for itself and what it has built it possesses. And if it is so, but it is so, then one should plunge into a relationship with no hesitation, since a relationship is being invented; suspicion, doubts, fears... however, co-create the relationship that you are afraid of!
-The theory of communism of autonomous zones: Communism is a social system made up of autonomous zones. Where capitalism is struggling, where it fails, where it generates neuroses, there new territories of autonomy should be liberated.

Curiculum vitæ:
graduated philosopher  Dario Seraval
FV 112/15 (C'est la guerre) Theatre
Disko FV (1980–1985)
Borghesia (1982–1991, 2009–)
Knin peace movement (1991)
Collaborator of co-ordination of peace movements in Yugoslavia (1991)
AKC Metelkova City (1993–)
Živadinov-Zupančič-Turšič Theatre (2009–)

06 January 2011 18:00
Zoran Srdić Janežič / Corpus Indeterminata (*Undefined Body)- guided tour with the artist
Cordially invited to a guided tour with the artist on 6th of January in Alkatraz gallery at 6 pm

More about the exhibition you can see here.

Photos from the guided tour you can see here.


03 December 2010 00:00
Ana Čigon / Perspective – guided tour with the artist
Gallery Alkatraz and artist Ana Čigon would like to invite you to a guided tour through the exhibition Perspective, as a part of the Open Day of  Slovenian Culture, on 3rd of December 2010 at 6pm.

More about the exhibition you can see here.

09 September 2010 19:30
Maria Alicia Zamora Noguera / Discussion
More about the whole project you can find here.

Photographs of the event

09 September 2010 18:00
Boštjan Drinovec: Cacophonic generator – generateur de cacophonie / discussion with the artist, followed by a tour of his studio
The discussion with the artist in the Alkatraz Gallery followed a tour of his studio in ACC Metelkova Mesto. More about the exhibition you can find on  here. Photographs of the event.

Photos: Jasmina Klančar

17 May 2010 18:00
Public discussion The GIFT and GIVING
The public discussion entitled The GIFT and GIVING was held on 17th May at 6pm in the Alkatraz Gallery. The main contribution about the socio-economical aspect of giving (presents) was given by Ph.D. Nikolai Jeffs, the others sharing their experiences were: Maša Cvetko (from the Enora Association) as well as both authors Milena Kosec and Anja Šmajdek. The discussion was conducted by Ida Hiršenfelder.

More about the whole project you can find here.


16 September 2007 15:00
27. Biennial of graphic arts / Workshop
The workshops are suitable for children and teenagers. Workshop coordinated by Katjuša Kovačič.

09 September 2007 15:00
27. Biennial of graphic arts / Workshop
The workshops are suitable for children and teenagers. Workshop coordinated by Katjuša Kovačič.

07 September 2007 20:00
27. Biennial of graphic arts / Guided tour
Exhibition 3500 cm2
Guided tour by Jadranka Ljubičič, art historian.

07 September 2007 20:00
27. Biennial of graphic arts / Guided tour
Exhibition 3500 cm2
Guided tour by mag. Ksenija Berk.

20 July 2007 15:00
Počitniške krea(k)tivnosti v Galeriji Alkatraz
The workshops are suitable for children and teenagers. Workshop coordinated by Katjuša Kovačič.

18 July 2007 15:00
Počitniške krea(k)tivnosti v Galeriji Alkatraz
Exercise workshop. Workshop was coordinated by Katjuša Kovačič.

13 July 2007 15:00
Počitniške krea(k)tivnosti v Galeriji Alkatraz
Workshop how to make your own kaleidoscope. Workshop was coordinated by Urška Domevšček.

11 July 2007 15:00
Počitniške krea(k)tivnosti v Galeriji Alkatraz
Workshop how to make your own puppet. Workshop was coordinated by Tala Lumbar and Marko Jenič.

06 July 2007 15:00
Počitniške krea(k)tivnosti v Galeriji Alkatraz
Workshop how to make your own kaleidoscope. Workshop was coordinated by Urška Domevšček.

04 July 2007 15:00
Počitniške krea(k)tivnosti v Galeriji Alkatraz
Exercise workshop. Workshop was coordinated by Katjuša Kovačič.

03 May 2007 22:00
Portuguese artist Paulo Eurico Variz was delivering a 1-hour seminar/demonstration
devoted to celebrate the centenary of the cubist movement (1907-1913).


27 December 2006 15:00
Workshop: how to make Christmas and New Year greetings.
Workshop was coordinated by Katjuša Kovačič.

17 December 2006 15:00
Workshop: how to make Christmas and New Year greetings.
Workshop was coordinated by Katjuša Kovačič.

10 November 2006 15:00
Presentation of ČKZ 225 and discussion.

13 October 2006 18:00
Presentation of ČKZ 224, discussion and chatt with authors.