Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

23rd City of Women: Queer Moves

09 October 2017 Kindly invited to "Queer Moves"- screening of five experimental feminist and queer films selected by Anna Linder, on Monday 9th October 2017, at 7 pm, at the Alkatraz Gallery, ACC Metelkova mesto. Project is a part of 23rd International Festival of Contemporary Art City of Women.

Screening of Shorts, 60’
Five experimental feminist and queer films made over a period spanning 90 years. The films selected here by Anna Linder were chosen for their compelling work with moving images, movement and music.

SELECTION: Anna Linder

­ GERMAINE DULAC Themes of Variations, 1928
­ KLARA LIDÉN Warm Up: Hermitage State Theatre, 2014
­ MARIE LOSIER L´Oiseau de la nuit, 2016
In the frame of the project Performing Gender – Dance makes differences.

Anna Linder is an active feminist, artist, curator, producer. Her work has been shown all over the world, including the ICA London, Modern Museum in Stockholm, Tribeca Film Festival in NY, IFFR Rotterdam, Images Festival Toronto, Edinburgh Int. Film Festival, Arsenal Experimental in Berlin.
Germaine Dulac was the first feminist filmmaker (that we know of) and a key figure in the French avant­garde scene of the 1920s.
Marcelle Thirache began with the practice of photography, and later developed a peculiar skill consisting of hand painting directly on a Super 8 filmstrip.
Klara Liden forms are in relation to built environments, often mimicking existing structures in order to evade their policing function.
Maja Borg has been exploring, for a decade, the semantics of visual language, experimenting with form in order to push content beyond the limits of established thought.
Marie Losier, filmmaker and a former film curator, has made a number of film portraits on avant­garde directors, musicians and composers.

Organisation: City of Women.
In cooperation with KUD Mreža/Alkatraz Gallery.
Supported by The Swedish Arts Council.

Entrance fee: 7/5 €