Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Loreta Visic / House of fear

04 November 2008 > 23 November 2008

Loreta Visic's works subtly point out the delicate balance and close link between the familiar and the strange, the known and the unknown. The apparently sweet and pretty ambiences of "homeliness" draw the viewer into psychological spaces of personal intimacy, vulnerability and safety. But the innocent declarations about family or religion involve a dramatic suspense, when metaphorically their silence suddenly becomes unbearable noise and the apparent tranquillity is broken by an affecting realisation.

The exhibition House of Fear brings together the main elements of artist's practice. The artworks in the show act as separate components of her otherwise complimentary themes. The exhibition is deliberately entitled as house of fear, as through its condensed setting and grotesque atmosphere it is as if in sum it wants to appear as one of its chambers.

The relative transparency of Visic's installations use a masterly interweaving of content and are a testimony to ambiguity. People are used to believing that the visible is the only reality. This is understandable, but it is also the reason why most controversies are happening around us (or to us) unrecognised. With the sudden release of associations, the artist gives us a hint of what might be hiding beneath.

Loreta Visic (Trogir, 1976) was born in Croatia but moved to The Netherlands when she was a child. After completing her studies at the Academy of Visual Arts Maastricht – ABK, she obtained her MA from the Higher Institute for Fine Arts (HISK) in Antwerp, Belgium. During her studies she participated in several international artist in residence programmes, which lead her as far afield as to Japan.

For an artist with a strong sensibility and self reflexive approach to practice, moving around and changing places is a starting point for her artistic creation, in which she explores a range of thoughts about home, homeliness, belonging, and opens this up also towards connected topics such as personal space, intimacy, safety, religion and culture. The artist questions these issues in their obvious manifestations. She combines techniques and materials thoughtfully and precisely in order to create disturbing and convincing stories. Her art is very plastic, figurative, even scenographic as it is meant to be a concrete narrative, deliberately using archetypes and clichés that she offers us as themes for consideration.

The artist is subtle when approaching these themes and never gets lost in sensation; rather then criticism, her poetic language lies in understanding that the primary social values (home, religion, safety) are indispensable as a way of understanding personal intellectual and emotional perception. And yet every art work incorporates a critical reflection on this fact, and takes an ambiguous and questioning approach to this matter.

Loreta Visic lives in Roermond, The Netherlands and works in Roermond and Antwerp, Belgium.

Exhibition curated by Maja Lozić.

The exhibition has been supported by the:

City of Ljubljana, Ministry of Culture, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Flemish Authorities.

The exhibition was made possible with thanks to: H.E. Mr John Groffen, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; Mrs Nelleke Linssen (Deputy head of mission), Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; and to Mrs. Sandra Peršak, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; Mr. André Hebbelinck, Representative of Flanders, Bart De Baere (MuHKA), Florent Bex, Flemish authorities, Robertina Sebjanic, Jan Vertommen, Milan Vračar, Paul Vanham, Gyula Kazari, Jan De Cock, Rade Visic and Tomage.


(1976, Trogir, Croatia)


2007/  …. Royal Academy for Fine Arts, drawing art, Antwerp, Belgium
1998/2001 Higher Institute for Fine Arts – Flanders (HISK),(laureate), Antwerp, Belgium
1994/1998 Academy of Visual Arts Maastricht – ABK, Teacher in drawing-painting and art history (bachelor), Maastricht, The Netherlands
1996/1998 Orthopedagogische Beeldende Vormgeving (OBV) at Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening Maastricht (SPH), Certified teacher of art to people with disabilities, Maastricht, The Netherlands


2008 Galerija Alkatraz, Ljubljana, Slovenia (planned)
2007 Loreta Visic, Fashion house Louis, Antwerp, Belgium
The Kick Inside – open studio, Studio Jacob Jordaensstraat, Antwerp, Belgium
2006 Home Sweet Home, Indian Caps, Antwerp, Belgium
Art Akebono 2005 Winter Program, Akebono building, Sapporo, Japan
2005 Library Lier, Lier, Belgium
2004 Loreta Visic ?, Gallery Der Spiegel, Cologne, Germany
2003 Carga, Sala Josep Renau, Faculty of Fine Arts -Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
2001 Washuis,Hal & AIR Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium
1998 ABN AMRO bank, Roermond, The Netherlands


Corpus Delicti
, Palace of Justice, Brussels (B) (in opbouw)
Feminiene, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, GalerY’, Brussel (B)
39e Grote Prijs Tekenkunst van de Stad Ronse,  Ronse (B)
VITRINE 2007 Surfaces, Fashion house Louis, Flanders Fashion Institute (FFI), Antwerp (B)
Amity, Martin Van Blerck Gallery, Antwerp (B)
Storm op Komst - Kinderkunstenfestival, De Warande, Turnhout (B)
, Cultuurcentrum Hasselt, Hasselt (B)
Wild vlees, Cultuurcentrum Hasselt, Hasselt (B)
Déjeuner sur l’herbe – Hedendaagse kunst in de Vlaamse Ardennen, Steenbakkerij Roborst, Provincial Archeological Museum in Velzeke (B)
Land Art tussen Polder en Schelde, Rupelmonde (B)
Wauw, GestichtOud Rekem (B)
Out of place, Centre for art and visual culture FLACC Genk (B)
Mé-tissages - Biënnale rond kunst en textiel, MIAT Museum for Industrial Archeology and Textile, Gent (B)
KIS Kunst in Schilde – Creaties van jonge Vlaamse en Nederlandse kunstenaars in dialoog met natuur en context, Schildehof, Schilde (B)
Park in progress
– Nuit européenne de la jeune création, Val-Flory Park, Marly le Roi (F)
De Utopie van de Periferie, City Museum Aalst, Aalst (B)
Vernacular Spirit – The Exhibition of Artists-in-Residence Program 2003 Autumn, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre (ACAC), Aomori (JPN)
De draad van Ariadne - textiliennes in beeld, Old textile factory Delbar, Ronse (B)
Lampaan Luonto Sous La Peau Du Loup-Sheep in Wolves Clothing, Stentorp, Kirjala (FIN)
Syntax Error, a performance with 8 artists under construction of Bastiaan Arler (artist), duringMap in Graz -TheEuropean Forum for Emerging Creation, Graz (AUT)
The Ambiguity of the Image-Belgian Art Now, Art Athina 10’03 Contemporary Art Fair at Helexpo Exhibition Centre, Athens (GRC)
Programa de residencias map, Sala Amadís Instituto de la Juventud, Madrid (ESP)
Individuo Poder, Gallery La Sala Naranja, Valencia (ESP)
Het Betoverd Bos
, Kasteel Schuurlo, Sint Maria Aalter (B)
Ename Actueel-Vreemde eenden in de bijt, Provincial Archeological Museum,Ename (B)
Zinnebeeldig -7 symbolen in cultureel erfgoed en hedendaagse kunst: een confrontatie?, Caermersklooster - Provincial Center for Art and Culture Gent, Gent (B)
Human-ism(e)II, Orion Art Gallery, Ostend (B)
Provinciale Prijs Beeldhouwkunst 2001, Koningin FabiolaZaal, Antwerp (B)
Prix de la Jeune Peinture Belge 2001, (sous le haut patronage de S.M. Le Roi), Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (B)
Rudolfstraat 30, Old factory Rombouts, Antwerp (B)
Watou Poetry Summer 2001- An empty Spot to Stay, Watou (B)
XIX in MMI in HISK - XIX at HISK in MMI, Higher Institute for Fine Arts – Flanders (HISK), Antwerp (B)
Secret Gardens - Een eigenzinnige plek voor het ongewone, Oud Rekem (B)
VIIIe Triënnale van de Beeldhouwkunst, Gallery Campo & Campo, Berchem (B)
Open Studios, Higher Institute for Fine Arts – Flanders (HISK), Antwerp (B)
Actuele Beeldende Kunst in Brugge
, Arents House Lace- and Brangwynmuseum, Brugge (B)
LOOK 2OOO, Antwerp World Diamond Center, Antwerp (B)
Le fil rouge3 - Biënnale d’Art Contemporain, Louvain-La-Neuve (B)
Open Studios, Higher Institute for Fine Arts – Flanders (HISK), Antwerp (B)
De Estaffete
, Sittard Het Domein City Museum; De Tiendschuur Weert, Maastricht Bonnefantenmuseum; Spanish Gouvernement Museum Maastricht; Bommel van Dam Museum Venlo; Roermond City Museum; Heerlen City Gallery, (NL)
SPRING 99 - Jong Talent in Antwerpen, Koningin FabiolaZaal, Antwerp (B)
Open Studios, Higher Institute for Fine Arts – Flanders (HISK), Antwerp (B)
Synaesthetics/ Synesthetica, Gallery Lokaal 01, Antwerp (B)
Academy for Visual Arts Maastricht (ABK), Maastricht (NL)
M.D.G.O. school building, Roermond (NL)


2006 Artist in Residence Program - Art Akebono Program, S-AIR, 01 february – 15 march 2006, Sapporo, Japan
2006 FLACC, Artist-in-Residence Program 2006, Genk, Belgium
2003 Artist in Residence Program 2003 Autumn, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre (ACAC), 16 september – 30 november 2003, Aomori City, Japan
2002 Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes, Artists-in-Residence Program, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia,  october 2002 – january 2003, Valencia, Spain


2007 Grote Prijs Tekenkunst 2007, Ronse, Belgium (honourable mention)
2007 Ontwikkelingsgerichte beurs (grant), Flamisch Ministry of Culture, Belgium
2004 Mechelen 2005 - City in female hands, Competition for an art project at the river Dijle in the town Mechelen, Belgium (selected)
2002 Basisstipendium (grant) Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2001 Prize Jonge Belgische Schilderkunst - Langui, Brussels, Belgium
2001 Provinciale Prijs Beeldende Kunst 2001, Antwerp, Belgium (selected)
2001 Prize Mark Macken Prijs 2001, Antwerp, Belgium
2001 Study trip New York, Higher Institute for Fine Arts (HISK), New York, USA
2000 VDAB Tongeren, Competition for an artistic project for an Flamish  Employment Office in Tongeren, Belgium (selected)
Academy Prize, Academy for Visual Arts - ABK, Maastricht, The Netherlands
1998 Henriette Hustinx Prize 1998, Maastricht, The Netherlands (selected)
1998 Prize Siemens Kunstkalender 1998, Maastricht, The Netherlands

CATALOGUES (selection)

Alles in Wonderland-Stormachtige beelden
, De Warande, Turnhout (B)
- een tentoonstelling over licht en duisternis, Cultuurcentrum Hasselt, Hasselt (B)
Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap Aanwinsten 1999-2001, Vlaamse Ministerie van Cultuur, Brussel (B)
Wild vlees, CIAP VZW Hasselt, (B)
Onder kunstenaars en organisaties
, Platform Limburg Beeldende Kunsten, Hasselt, (B)
KIS Kunst in Schilde – Creaties van jonge Vlaamse en Nederlandse kunstenaars in dialoog met natuur en context, Schilde, (B)
Mé-tissages, VIAT vzw, Gent (B)
2004 Trans Artist – Pépinières VI, Ministry of Education Culture and Science,(NL)
2003 Vernacular Spirit – Artists-in-Residence Program 2003 Autumn, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori (JPN)
De Utopie van de Periferie - Kwetsbaar?, Aalst (B)
De draad van Ariadne – textiliennes in beeld, vzw Ronse Leeft, Ronse (B)
Parcours d'artistes- artists' experiences – Le Programme de Mobilité, Action II, Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes, Marly Le Roi (F)
Loreta Visic, Instituto de la Juventud, Madrid (ESP)
The Ambiguity of the Image. Belgian Art Now, Athens (GRC)
Ename actueel – Vreemde eenden in de bijt
, Province East Flanders (B).
Zinnebeeldig – 7 symbolen in cultureel erfgoed en hedendaagse kunst: een confrontatie?, Province East Flanders (B)
Human-ism(e)II, Orion Art Gallery, Ostend (B)
Provinciale Prijs voor Beeldhouwkunst 2001- Loreta Visic, Province Antwerp, Antwerp (B)
Prix de la Jeune Peinture Belge 2001
, Brussels (B)
Watou Poetry Summer 2001 – An empty Spot to Stay (part 1 +2), Poëziezomers-Kunstzomers Watou v.z.w., Gent (B)
XIX in MMI in HISK - XIX at HISK in MMI, Higher Institute for Fine Arts – Flanders (HISK), Antwerp (B)
Secret Gardens - Een eigenzinnige plek voor het ongewone, Province Belgian Limburg (B), Province Dutch Limburg (NL) en Cultural Center Lanaken (B)
Rudolfstraat 30, Het noodzakelijke zwijgen (kunstenaarsinitiatief), Antwerp (B)
VIIIe Triënnale van de Beeldhouwkunst, Gallery Campo & Campo, Berchem (B)
LOOK 2000, Diamond High Council, Antwerp (B)
Le fil rouge3 - Biënnale d'Art Contemporain, Centre Culturel d'Ottignies Louvain-la-Neuve, Louvain-La-Neuve (B)
1999 Spring 99 - Jong Talent in Atwerpen, Province Antwerp, Antwerp (B)
1998 Ex Animo, Academy for Visual Arts Maastricht (ABK), Maastricht (NL)


"Visic-section, The gut-wrenching artwork of Loreta Visic"
by Diane Pernet in ZOO-Magazine 2008 nr 18 (DEU)
"De huisjes van Loreta” by Jos Thijs in Gazet van Sint-Andries (newspaper), 15e jg. nr januari 2008
"Belief and disbelief in new media",
by Arjen Mulder in JongHolland nr4 (art magazine)
"Loreta Visic", by Diane Pernet on (weblog), 11 september 2007
"Loreta Visic & Diane Pernet", by Marjolijn Vanslembrouck on (weblog of magazine), 11 september 2007
"Vitrines vol verrassingen", photo by rr.,De Standaard (newspaper), 7 september 2007
"Home Sweet Home”
, by Florent Bex in <H>ART (international and national contemporary art newspaper) nr 13, 9 november 2006
"Loreta Visic"
, by Kerstin Stremmel, Stadt Revue Kölnmagazin dezember 04
"Good Luck 10 Program"
(interview), Rakuten Studio, 7 ATV, Aomori Television, Aomori (JPN)
"The Ambiguity of the Image. Belgian Art Now", by Katerina Gregos, in Contemporary (art magazine)
"Ich bin nur stehn geblieben" (song), participation of my artwork "Washuis" in the videoclip for the German Music Band "ECHT", MTV Germany
"Top van Belgische kunstenaars in Oostende", by Luc lambrecht in De Morgen (newspaper), 16 july 2002
"Kunst in België 1945-2000, Kunst in België na 1975" (part 2)
, by Florent Bex
"An empty spot to stay", by Luk Lambrecht in Flash Art (art magazine)
A+ (magazine for architecture), november-december 2001
"Air Antwerpen", De Witte Raaf (art paper), november-december nr5 2001
"Les six de la jeune Peinture", by Claude Laurent in Le Palais des Beaux-Arts Brussels (program magazine) , november 2001
"Als zes jonge honden vechten om één been", by Luk Lambrecht in De Morgen (newspaper), 15 november 2001
"Wasdraad  is startschot van residentie voor kunstenaars", Gazet van Antwerpen (newspaper), 20 september 2001
"Hal & Air Antwerpen", by Els Roelandt in Financieel EconomischeTijd (newspaper), 2001
"Kroatisch huisje bij Royerssluis", Gazet van Antwerpen (newspaper), 10 oktober 2001
"Washuis", Zone 03 (city magazine), 17-23 oktober 2001
"Meer bepaald in de Far West", by Jan Braet in Knack (magazine) , 31-6 june 2000
"Un fil rouge…deroutant", La nouvelle Gazette (newspaper), 25 may 2000
"Le ligne pend au lac", by Jean-Philippe de Vogelaere in La derniere Heure (newspaper), 13-14 may 2000


2006 Akebono building, Sapporo, Japan
2004 Aomori Public College, Aomori, Japan
Aomori Contemporary Art Centre (ACAC), Aomori, Japan
2003 Map in Graz - TheEuropean Forum for Emerging Creation, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria
2002 Academy of Visual Arts Maastricht – ABK, Maastricht (NL)


2007 Workshop "Galaxy World” for Kinder Kunsten Fabriek, Cultuurcentrum Genk and FLACC, Genk, Belgium
Workshop "Ugly duckly greetings from Roermond” at the Stedelijk Lyceum Roermond (Highschool), C.A.P.T.U.R.E. the City, Limburg, The Netherlands
1998/1999 Teacher Visual Arts, Art School Linne (NL)
1997/1998 Teacher Visual Arts, Foundation Traject Maastricht (NL)
1997/1998 Teacher Visual Arts, Special Education MLK VSO St. Servatius Maastricht
1996/1997 Teacher Visual Arts, Social Pedagogical Assistance Higher Education Maastricht
1995/1996 Teacher Visual Arts, Primary School OBS "De Perroen" in Maastricht.


2007 Basisopleiding in de Moossmethodiek, Mooss Kunsteducatie vzw, Leuven, Belgium
2005 Nodate, workshop with Japanese artist Kimura Toshiro Jinjin, Aomori, Japan
2005 Workshop with Japanese artist Noriko Yoshida, Kamakura, Japan
2005 Workshop with Patricia Steur (Dutch photographer), X-Gallery, McArthurGlen Designer Outlet, Roermond, The Netherlands
2005 Hanga, privat workshop with Tadashiro Fukui (Japanese woodblock printer), Gero, Gifu, Japan
1998 Let‘s be you, workshop with Nedko Solakov (Bulgarian artist), Higher Institute of Fine Arts – Flanders (HISK), Antwerp, Belgium
1998 Proffesional orientation at Academy of Visual Arts in Maastricht by Krien Clevis and Ton van Kempen
1997 Graphic Project ABK, Academy for Visual Arts Maastricht (ABK), Maastricht, The Netherlands
1996 Performance Project with Lydia Schouten (Dutch artist), Academy of Visual Arts Maastricht (ABK), The Netherlands
1996 Das neutrale Gebiet von Moresnet, Project with Jan Zeven (Dutch artist), Moresnet, Belgium
1994 Orientation course for entering the Academy of Visual Arts in Maastricht
by Krien Clevis (Dutch artist)


"Huisje met glazen ballon” 2006, privat collection Oudenaarde, (B), 2008
"Washuis” (met wind), (conté on paper), X-Cago b.v. Roermond (NL), 2007
‘Nestje nr 41/55’ 2000, (polyester and mirror), privat collection, Antwerp (B), 2007
"Washuis” 2000, (water color on paper), privat collection, Zurich (CHE), 2007
‘Nestje nr 42/55’ 2000, (polyester and mirror), privat collection, Antwerp (B), 2007
‘Nestje nr 7/55’ 2000, (polyester and mirror), privat collection, Antwerp (B), 2007
‘Nestje nr 8/55’ 2000, (polyester and mirror), privat collection, Antwerp (B), 2007
‘Nestje nr 9/55’ 2000, (polyester and mirror), privat collection, Antwerp (B), 2007
‘Nestje nr 5/55’ 2000, (polyester and mirror), privat collection, La Bruyere (FRA), 2006
"Washuis” (met wind) 2000, (conté on paper), collection Gallery Der Spiegel, Cologne (D),2005
"Kind” 2001, privat collection, Cologne, (D), 2004
"Washuis” (zonder wind) 2000, (conté on paper), privat collection, Cologne (D), 2004
"Washuis” 2000, collection MUHKA (Museum for Contemporary Art Antwerp), Antwerp (B), 2002
"Beer” 1999, privat collection, Antwerp (B), 2001
"Untitled” 1999, privat collection, Antwerp (B), 2001
"Washuis” 2001, (DVD), privat collection, Brussels (B), 2001
"Washuis” 2000, (water color on paper), privat collection, Antwerp (B), 2001
"Washuis” 2000, (water color on paper), privat collection, Antwerp (B), 2000
"Nestje nr 1/55” 2000, (polyester and mirror), privat collection, ‘s Gravenwezel (B), 2000
"Untitled" 1999, (lithography), collection Province Limburg (NL), 1999
"Untitled" 1997, (mixed media on paper), privat collection, Limburg (NL), 1998

Loreta Visic Loreta Visic Loreta Visic Loreta Visic Loreta Visic Loreta Visic Loreta Visic Loreta Visic Loreta Visic Loreta Visic Loreta Visic