Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Unfamiliar Area | “ft.props”

19 July 2022 Kindly invited to the mini online exhibition "Unfamiliar Area" "ft.props", curated by Lene Lekše.

Props are a series of enigmatic objects. They usually appear in galleries and art studios as supports of paintings, television screens, and, occasionally, stand alone in the space as part of an installation. They inhabit spaces, support the artworks and situate them in space. This is not the expected, inter-artistic collaboration, as the objects renounce their co-authorship. They present themselves to the viewers and users as elaborate industrial items that carry only temporary meanings assigned to them. Their meaning and function change and adapt with every exhibition. They are above all practical.

Despite their anonymity, props covertly record their own performance resume with every public appearance. They become an autonomous organism that spreads uncontrollably. As an escaped experiment from a laboratory, they transform from objects into living structures that not only support foreign works of art but also rely on them in their struggle for their own existence.  Props have no mouth, no stomach, no eyes, but they can carry many burdens. When they spread into the field of art by means of repetition, support and leaning on foreign works, they justify their existence in its subtle symbiosis. It even happens that they have the power of co-creation and questioning of exhibition spaces and systems of artistic activity inside the galleries. When they enter into a cultural space, they become part of urban rumours of more attentive visitors. With repetition and selfless support of other artists, they gradually acquire a more complex meaning. Perhaps props contain an unknown molecule, which encourages a relatively complex behaviour of a seemingly simple support organism. Despite what has been written, the real meaning remains a mystery.

Lene Lekše

You can read more about props and how they operate at the following link:

The project entitled ft.props has been active since 2020. They were created by Maša Knapič. The first solo installation, entitled The beginning - prototypes of object 1, object 2 and object 3, took place in 2020 at Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana in Ljubljana. Numerous group and solo exhibitions followed. Collaboration as part of the exhibition: Lara Reichmann: 26 degrees south (2021) in House of Culture Pivka, and the exhibitions: Maša Knapič: Sharpening... Please steady your device (2021), in Dobra Vaga in Ljubljana. They performed in supporting role in DLUL Gallery in Ljubljana, as part of the exhibition by Neža Perovšek: Low effort (2021), and at ALOU (2021), where they supported works by Anastazija Pirnat and Sara Skendarija.


ft.props, project, 2021 -


Other Unfamiliar Area exhibitions

Nina Baznik: Unfamiliar Area 

and others on the downside of the page


Curator: Lene Lekše
Proof-reading (Slovene language): Neja Berlič
Translation (to English language): Ana Makuc
Financial support: Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City Council Ljubljana - Department for Culture