Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Unfamiliar Area | Zala Klančnik: “=”

23 June 2022 > 23 July 2022 Kindly invited to the mini online exhibition "Unfamiliar Area" by Zala Klančnik: "=", curated by Lucija Zajc.

The image entitled '=' (two lines) is made of computer-modified elements. The author started the work as an experiment based on a screen shot of her previous project, which she composed. This is her common practice as she works a lot with video and manipulation of her own material. The starting point of this experiment is the artist's fascination with nature and landscape. = (two lines) reminded the author of the junction of the land and sky, which in the work merge into sublime cataclysm.

The work acts as the embodiment of deep feelings that surpass the borders of the human body, while accompanying the ever changing, sublimely threatening nature. The level of danger that threatens us at this point is, due to the flood of data, almost elusive, the modification of its power is a consequence of collective responsibility of humankind, while the horror that we feel at the same time is an individual feeling. The notion of sublime was theorized by Edmund Burke in the 18th century (when mass fascination with nature began in the pre-Romantic period). The term refers to grandness that surpasses all possibilities of calculation or imitation. The response to such a manifestation is astonishment, admiration and respect. Sublime is the idea that, among other things, we can detect through the rapid movement of light, the noise of big wild storms and thunder. It is an idea that belongs to self-preservation, and its strongest emotion is distress. The sublimity of nature can be inspirational, but also terrifying in its power and potential darkness. In complete darkness, it is impossible to know to what extent we are endangered; we do not know the objects that surround us; at any time, we can hit a dangerous obstacle; we can fall into the abyss with the first step we make. Despite this, darkness is a better starting point for sublime ideas than light.

Zala Klančnik (1995, Slovenj Gradec) is an interdisciplinary artist. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, and is currently completing her studies at the AVA Academy of Visual Arts. In her artistic practice, she explores the dimensions of corporality, the possibilities of embodiment within virtual and real space. She uses the media of video, installation, performance, photography and painting. She deals mainly with the themes of the modern body through the processes of embodiment, disembodiment, dematerialization, re-materialization and living in the world of digital and analogue technology. She has participated in projects in the former Autonomous Factory Rog, Red Dawns, Lighting Guerrilla and Radio Student.

ZALA KLANČNIK: =, computer graphics, 2022


Other Unfamiliar Area exhibitions

Nina Baznik: Unfamiliar Area 

and others on the downside of the page


Curator: Lucija Zajc
Proof-reading (Slovene language): Neja Berlič
Translation (to English language): Ana Makuc
Financial support: Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City Council Ljubljana - Department for Culture