Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Unfamiliar Area | Amadeja Keršič: “How Is It To Be a Clown”

30 December 2022 > 30 January 2023 Kindly invited to the mini online "Unfamiliar Area" exhibition "Palianytsia" by Amadeja Keršič.

The relationship between the subject, the viewer, and the object, the viewed. While there is always some desire between the subject and object. 'The gaze is always in the function of desire'. (Lacan 1996)

A portrait that can be understood as a self-image of the author. The face is covered with a mask. Covering the face with something cold, imaginary, and inaccessible. Something that separates an individual from the gaze of another. Something that protects us, distances us and hides us from view, opinions and projections. Something that an individual creates because of the relationship between the seen and the viewer. The author intervenes in another's gaze by creating the mask herself. She is the one who is aware of the gaze. She dictates the other's gaze. She directs the other's gaze through her understandings of herself as a subject.

The work How Is It To Be a Clown is about hiding her true image of herself. Even if one is not aware of the mask, hiding one's true self from the onlookers can be painful for the individual wearing the mask. It can cause senseless internal storms that stir our feelings of inner peace. Whereas the mask we wear for the sake of others can cloud our relationship to our own feelings, thoughts and emotions.

Nina Baznik

Amadeja Keršič is a young artist. In 2022, she graduated from the Secondary School for Design and Photography in Ljubljana. She is continuing her studies at The Academy of Fine Arts and Design, majoring in painting. Between 2020 and 2022, she had three solo exhibitions, Mummy, Please Don't Be Angry and Through the Chicken's Eye in Ivan Cankar's Student Home. She presented herself in the Atrij Gallery with the exhibition Eyes on a Stalk in her hometown of Tržič. She also took part in group exhibitions in Ivan Cankar's Student Home, in the corridors of Križanke, in National University Library and in the city library of Ljubljana. She is also involved in the production of short youth films at KUD Pozitiv.


How Is It To Be a Clown, acrylic on canvas, 50cm x 70cm, 2022


Other Unfamiliar Area exhibitions

Nina Baznik: Unfamiliar Area 

and others on the downside of the page

Curated by: Nina Baznik
Proof-reading (Slovene language): Neja Berlič

Translation (to English language): Ana Makuc
Financial support: Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City Council Ljubljana - Department for Culture