Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Kymatics: Demonstration of a direct material visualization of voice

15 December 2008 Demonstration of a direct material visualization of voice

At the end of the 18th century, a German physicist and musician Ernst Chladni demonstrated a most extraordinary phenomenon to the stunned audience: when he sprinkled some salt on a metallic plate secured in its centre and then drew along its edge with a violin bow, the salt crystals on it instantly arranged themselves in complex patterns, depending on the frequency the plate “sang” at.  After Chladni’s death the interest for the mentioned phenomenon faded until the end of the 1960s when a Swiss natural scientist and anthropologist Hans Jenny returned to its systematic research. He named the phenomenon KYMATICS.

On Monday, 15th Dec. at 9 pm you are cordially invited to the Alkatraz Gallery in Metelkova mesto/City, to see a demonstration of kymatic phenomena where various visual effects and complex dynamic processes the sound draws into dust, water, paint, ferrofluid and other materials.

To imagine the presentation view a recording of one experiment on:

Due to potential loudness of the experiments the viewing is not recommended to hearing sensitive audience.

Preparation and performance of experiments:

The project is supported by:
Municipality of the City of Ljubljana (Mestna občina Ljubljana)
KUD Priden možic
Alkatraz Gallery
