Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Gallery 7:069 x Galerija Alkatraz: S04E03

28 June 2021 > 12 July 2021 Kindly invited to the opening of the exhibition Gallery 7:069 x Galerija Alkatraz: S04E03, on Monday 28 June at 7 p.m. at the Alkatraz Gallery, ACC Metelkova mesto. The exhibition will be open until 12 July.

Exhibiting: Ajda Peternel, Ema Maznik, Eva Robida Blau, Isidora Todorić, Lenart Merlin, Lujo Rožič, Neža Perovšek.

Artists create a world in which they establish the rules of the game and provide evidence of its existence. In a game without rules, an artist becomes the one who creates signs that are later transformed into an image through the artist's personal experience. Therefore, the works in the exhibition have a high level of individuality. The artists slip into the role of collectors, architects, archaeologists, engineers, creators, but at the same time also into the role of destroyers. On one hand, the artists approach the transformation and deconstruction of the material and digital in a seemingly naive but, on the other, distinctly analytical way. The works in the exhibition share a similar process of their creation and exploration, due to the specifics of the time in which they were created. Nevertheless, they differ in their final forms.

Opening, toys, plush, wooden, pile, performance, weight, action, costume, scenography, object, sew, protection, closing. Archive, process, action, plastic, HMA, game, exploration, seriality, pile up, Lego, cast, control, matter, overwhelm, whole, fusion. Space. Fascist, communist, classicist, nazi, capitalist. Prison. Bears, animal, costume, paper, 120 × 130. Search, repetition, game, accumulation, upload, fusion, gather, dump, forget, discover, video GIF, overlay, hoarding. Inventory. Delete,

restore. Letter, demolition, wool, imagination, process, repetition, subconscious, communication, form, sign. Nail, paper, forgotten. Rosetta, repeated, translated. Links, write, excuse, code, meaning, words, signs, unreadable. It is, but it is not, Enigma. Painting, letter, line, whisker, word. Drawing, woof, woof. Marked, uttered, announced, rhythm, no comma archaeologist, architect, unknown, disguise, hide, revealing, repetition, painting. Space, thought, flow. 

Conclusion, zoom, connections, associations, play. Communication, repetition, action, performance, objects, sculpture, painting, painting, painting, GIF, repetition, space, actualized, concept/no concept, conclude. Links, font, excuse, code, meaning, words, characters, unreadable. It is, but it is not. Visible, legible.

Curatorial text.



Soft toys are sewn on old pyjamas and winter hat, so that the whole body is covered. I used toys because it was one of the materials I had in abundance during quarantine. Considering the fact that the costume was extremely heavy and bungling I thought the most sensible solution was to climb a ladder in it. If life is not hard enough for you, make it harder yourself, my grandmother would say.



Novo mesto, 21 May 2021

I focus on found, banal objects, seriality and repetition. I make unstable, serial objects, their thermoreversible character allows them to return to a zero state. This rubbish is made of everyday mass-produced objects, thermoreversible materials and epoxy resin. The structural dichotomy of alternating referencing and adapting units is obvious. The adapting unit accumulates around the fixed one, which serves as the initial matrix, assumes its characteristics and reproduces itself. The hot glue assumes the surface properties of the copied object, multiplies until it accumulates into a new unrecognisable configuration and digests its referents. The object itself is indiscernible, the indicators of its fluid character are moulds that the object in the making leaves behind. The moulds are accumulating and the poured substance is in constant rising. In doing so, through, it is crucial that I do not reproduce the patent itself, but rather the shell, as if collecting a shed cuticle of a reptile that is sloughing rapidly and uncontrollably.


The conceptual design of the project Low Storage Low Effort originates in my own exploration or archived material with an emphasis on digital hoarding. Hoarding can be understood as almost compulsive storage of things, both physical and digital, with the purpose of reuse or new use. The material is therefore stored in the hope that it will be useful in the future, although at the time of storage it does not serve any purpose and is in most cases on our way.

I combine unused/useless digital recordings from my personal archive into new images. Using these materials, I give them a new life, new purpose, I finally transform them from junk into a useful composite part of artistic production. By means of this, I also in a way justify my compulsive tendency to accumulate files.

In the resulting video sequences, the selected images melt in the form of undefined landscapes, which are assembled into a complete video in a repetitive rhythm.

The projections approach the mass of material in a humorous way and lightly, as they depict absurd and seemingly meaningless texts through images, which seek to express uselessness and triviality of source files. The work thus represents an intimate insight into my personal digital space, which is presented as a complete work of art through the manipulation of images.


When a cat barks...


then whoever knows how to dance dances,

whoever knows how to sing should sing.

Whoever can see, let them watch

how luck is changing

into selected dances, into selected poems.

Whoever has their eyes closed, let them see,

observe with closed eyes, whisper, and be ashamed,

mourn, whoever did not know how to mourn before.

This is paradise, a bird told me.

It is here and now, but still different,

so it is always somewhere else.

When a cat barks, let us hide,

so that we shall not be, lonely, 

chosen with the call

on a beautiful day.


ؤثىهة حخلمثي س بهمخغخبشو نه ذرثكه ةهجته فقثلاعاز 

ۓھغبع حجلیھر و نبیجپجنم، کب \سھ؛ب عب]اب ٹدھشتہ۔

غېنڭم پوەلېد س اڭلويواھ، كڭ \ۈې؛ڭ مڭ]قڭ ترېبۇى. 

Cenim pogled s filozofa, ki žveči mišji trebuh.

ޝެނިމ ޕޮގލެދ ސ ފިލޮޔޮފަ، ކި \ވެ؛ި މި]ޖި ތރެބުހ. 

ણાલગસ જદુતા્ ે િગતદબદિો, કગ ૉનાચગ સગડરગ ૂીાવહપ. 

Ψενιμ πογλεδ σ φιλουοφα, κι \ωεί μι[ξι τρεβθη.

ⴻⵏⵉ, ⵃⵄⴳⵍⴻⴷ ⵙ ⴼⵉⵍⵄⵢⵄⴼⵇ; ⴽⵉ *ⵖⴻⵎⵉ ,ⵉⵯⵊⵉ ⵜⵔⴻⴱⵓⵀ:

Ценим поглед с филозофа, ки жвечи мишји требух.

णालगस जदुता्, े िगतदबदिो, कग ॉनाचग सगडरग ूीावहप. 

Ցենիմ պօգլեդ ս ֆիլօըօֆա, կի շվե;ի միխյի տռեբւհ․ 

ဃနညငာ စသါူနိ ျ ်ငူသပသ်ေ, ုင ၏လနးင ာငဟြင အမနဘက့.

ಣಾಲಗಸ ಜದುತಾ್ ೇ ಿಗತದಬದಿೋ, ಕಗ ನಾಚಗ ಸಗಡರಗ ೂೀಾವಹಪ.

ჩენიმ პოგლედ ს ფილოყოფა, კი ~ვე;ი მი[ჯი ტრებუჰ.


ᖃᕿᓴᓂᒪ ᔨᓕᑐᓗᕿᖁ ᐅ ᑯᓂᓗᓕᓯᓕᑯᖑ, ᓄᓂ /ᑲᕿ;ᓂ ᒪᓂᒡᒧᓂ ᑎᑭᕿᑕᒥᓱ. 

ணாலகஸ ஜதுதா் ே ிகததபதிோ, கக நாசக ஸகடரக ூீாவஹப.

ችእንኤም ፕኦግልእድ ስ ፍኤልኦይኦፍኧ፣ ክኤ 、ቭእ፡ኤ ምኤ[ጅኤ ትርእብኡህ

ꋌꀔꆏꀂꃅ ꁈꀑꇬꆹꀔꄉ ꌠ ꑌꀂꆹꀑꑳꀑꑌꀊ, ꈎꀂ 、ꃪꀔ;ꀂ ꃅꀂ[ꏢꀂ ꄚꏓꀔꁧꇨꉾ。

ണാലഗസ ജദുതാ് േ ിഗതദബദിോ, കഗ നാചഗ സഗഡരഗ ൂീാവഹപ. 


ඣැබසප චදටකැා ි ෙසකදහදේල නස ‍ඩැතස පසඤවස ඒරැඉමයග


7:069 is »pop up« gallery that formed as an answer to the lack of opportunities for exhibition of student production. It does not have a permanent space, works on a principle of hosted exhibitions, its main purpose is to  make possible for the students to exhibit current projects outside of the context of their school studios. 


Production: KUD Mreža / Galerija Alkatraz, Galerija 7:069
Organization, curatorship: Gallery 7:069 (Nina Goropečnik, Maša Knapič, Lene Lekše, Mihael Novak, Lara Reichmann) 
Editorial text: Galerija 7:069
Text and photograhy: courtesy of the artists
Design: Žiga Anderlič
Proof reading: Neja Berlič
Translation: Ana Makuc

The project is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and City Council Ljubljana - Department for Culture. 

Photos from the exhibition by: Nada Žgank.

Ajda Peternel, Kostum, performans, instalacija 2020 Ema Maznik, Brez naslova, prostorska instalacija, HMA, epox210, ballistic gel, 2021 Neža Perovšek, Low Storage – Low Effort, video instalacija, 1’18’’, 2021 Lujo Rožič, Maček, brk, oglje in olje na platnu, 90x120 cm, 2018 Isidora Todorić Babilonski stolp, zapisi, 2021 Eva Robida Blau Arheologova soba, akril na platnu, 170x150, 2019 Lenart Merlin Si kar si / Ti si fašist, 120X130, mešana tehnika, 2020