Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Špela Škulj in Nevena Aleksovski / Remind places

19 June 2010 Remind places is a one day video installation in the windows of the stores in Trubarjeva street in Ljubljana which will take place on the 19th of June 2010.

Remind places is  a video installation in the windows of 8 different stores in Trubarjeva street in Ljubljana.

Starting point of the work is a possibility of imaginary and transcendental space as a way of escapism and a sort of visual rest from the information over saturated surrounding.

Videos are made of simple shots from the nature and, almost static and hypnotic, they are emitting contemplative and introspective spaces and are meant to transpose a viewer out of the stressful rhythm of everyday life.

Installed in the windows of the stores, they appear as an opposition to a  consumeristic, dinamic surrounding and are a sort of meditative, visual shelters.

Some of the videos you can watch on:

The execution of this project is cofinanced by the European Commission. The content of the project is at sole liability of the author and by no means it represents the stands of the European Commision.

Remind places, video still, 2010. Remind places, video still, 2010. Remind places, video still, 2010. 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view 'Remind places' installation view