Vanda Vilela / Pocket paintings and other ways
The title of the exhibition is “Pocket paintings and other ways”, and it consists of three parts:
A puzzle game of 6 cubes with 4,5x 4,5x 4,5 cm, to be played on a table/ plinth covered with a red felt cloth, and,
30 paintings with 48x 48 cm, to be hung on the wall.
There is a straight relation between the paintings and the puzzle.
- A game-like installation formed by a main painting with 50x 82 cm and a set of 24 little paintings with 6,5x 6,5 cm, to be hung on the wall.
It works like a game of luck, where the public is invited to buy a pocket painting without knowing which one will receive (just choosing a colour from the main painting, which corresponds to a certain pocket painting).
The pocket paintings are sold at a “lucky price”: 15 euro each
- A dinamic installation that starts on the gallery and comes out to the street. As it is going to be built on place it will be a surprise even to the artist.