Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Unfamiliar Area | Ognjen Odalović: “Dystopia”

11 February 2022 > 11 March 2022 Kindly invited to the mini online exhibition "Unfamiliar Area" by Ognjen Odalović: "Dystopia", curated by Nina Baznik.

Dystopia is one of the works in the series CYCLE 2. The work is the author's reflection on dystopia, his view of the world and the movement of humanity in the future. With the development of technology, a person prone to the world of utopia is actually moving towards dystopia.

Dystopia is the opposite of utopia and denotes a world in which dark visions of the future have come true, and where science and technology negatively affect human life. The term utopia was coined by the writer Moore as early as 1516 with the book of the same title. Dystopian space is a concept where unwanted and frightening scenarios have been realised. In a series of illustrations, the author questions technological progress, which is popularly seen as a shift, an intermediate stop on the way to an ideal community or utopia. He wonders whether the human community is actually moving in the opposite direction, in the direction of dystopia, with technological advances. The solutions used by the leaders of the world communities indicate that our reality is actually moving in the direction of the realisation of the dystopian scenario: technological progress is exploited and misused for the purposes of excessive control and punishment, for the misuse of personal information, and military domination of sovereign states.

The technique used by the author is drawing on paper, using markers and ink. This, as well as other works from the CYCLE 2 series, were created under the influence of mythology, the world, fantasy and science fiction, be it books, music or film...

Nina Baznik

Ognjen Odalović (1995) graduated in design from the University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica, Montenegro. He is currently a master's student of illustration at ALUO in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has participated in group and solo exhibitions in Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. Exhibitions include — Exhibition Petar I Petrovič Njegoš, Cetinje (2019); Dystopia; Bureau of the Cultural Center Podgorica (2020); EU Visual Storytelling, Podgorica (2020); 700th anniversary of Divine Comedy, Novo mesto (2021).





Other Unfamiliar Area exhibitions

Nina Baznik: Unfamiliar Area 

and others on the downside of the page


Curator: Nina Baznik
Proof-reading (Slovene language): Neja Berlič

Translation (to English language): Ana Makuc
Financial support: Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City Council Ljubljana - Department for Culture