Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Unfamiliar Area | Lara Žagar and Oskar Kandare: The Hole

05 October 2022 > 05 November 2022 Kindly invited to the mini online exhibition "Unfamiliar Area" by Lara Žagar and Oskar Kandare "The Hole", curated by Lucija Zajc.

One of the points of contact in the creativity of Lara Žagar and Oskar Kandare is contemplation on the end of the world, both in a physical and abstract sense. The artists have in common a strong awareness of the environment that surrounds them as people. They look at the everyday from a conceptual point of view, from which they draw creative inspiration. Concurrently, it is almost impossible to overlook the aspect of time in their work – they focus on the present, when a person as an individual or part of a community will no longer exist at some point, which raises many additional questions. The animation entitled The Hole is their joint project, which was created at a workshop within the Department of Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, under the mentorship of Peter Rauch.

A distortion of space and time in the middle of the ground in an unknown building. People or objects diving and disappearing, as if moved to a different period. This pore-like hole lets out strange, subtle noise. What was created is an animation - its imagery and sound are both twisting and stretching. Like a time loop does. They pass from another ephemeral reality into ours, revealing the circular and twisted nature of time. And the mysterious hole? It may be a portal, it might as well lead nowhere. It might just be a sound carrier, changing the perspective of our vision at this very moment.

Oskar Kandare (2000) is a student of visual communication at the The Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. He explores the apocalypse, the end of the world and the Anthropocentric era. The media of his work are photography and new media. His intention is that the viewer feels something that is not present in the everyday life and starts wondering about the future.

Lara Žagar (1993) is a visual artist and a photographer. In 2018, she graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the Department of Textile and Clothing Design. Since 2021, she has been attending the master's program Video, Animation and New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. She is a co-founder of the fashion brand Fugue, which focuses on photographic material in its creations. In addition, she creates long-term projects as part of which she explores the visual experience of the environment. She employs various approaches to photographic art, which she combines with video and sound.

The Hole, animation, 2022


Other Unfamiliar Area exhibitions

Nina Baznik: Unfamiliar Area 

and others on the downside of the page


Curator: Lucija Zajc
Proof-reading (Slovene language): Neja Berlič
Translation (to English language): Ana Makuc
Financial support: Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City Council Ljubljana - Department for Culture