Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Unfamiliar Area | Žiga Gojević: “Can You Hear the Bells”

21 February 2023 > 21 March 2023 Kindly invited to the mini online "Unfamiliar Area" exhibition "Can You Hear the Bells" by Žiga Gojević.


The exhibited work Can You Hear the Bells is a poster created by the industrial designer Žiga Gojević. It belongs to a series of more than 600 posters that are part of his project One Poster a day — since 2000, he has been creating a poster every day inspired by a certain theme, word or idea. The poster with the successive number 588 entitled Can You Hear the Bells was created in Photoshop from found photographs.

The poster thematizes darkness, eeriness and alienation that can be seen as something positive. It tells us how to recognize the darkness that exists in every individual. We can accept it and turn it into something beautiful and manageable. We can create strenght, admiration and security from negative feelings. We can question and rethink the unpleasant feelings that we do not dare to share with others.

Žiga Gojević's creative work is about experiencing negative emotions that arise from hardship. His purpose is to depict them and bring to light everything that we feel, experience and understand. In the process, he aims to transform negative emotions into works of art, even though they can be extremely strange, terrifying or unpleasant – or, perhaps, just because of that.


Žiga Gojević is a student of industrial design at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. In 2020, he graduated from the Art High Cchool in Velenje. In the same year, he started with the independent project One Poster a Day. The concept is simple: he creates one poster every day on a random topic. The project was supposed to last one week at first, but the week turned into a year, and now the project has been going on for almost two years. This means that the artist has already made over 600 different posters.

You can have a look at the project on his Instagram profile: @zigova_art_mapa

588. Can You Hear the Bells, digital poster, 420 × 594 mm, 2022



Other Unfamiliar Area exhibitions

Nina Baznik: Unfamiliar Area 

and others on the downside of the page

Curated by: Nina Baznik
Proof-reading (Slovene language): Neja Berlič

Translation (to English language): Ana Makuc
Financial support: Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City Council Ljubljana - Department for Culture