Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Dominik Mahnič / Transform/Spread

26 January 2010 > 22 February 2010

Dominik Mahnič (1981), graduated painter continuing his post-graduate education studies of Art Video at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University of Ljubljana, has been engaged in animation and video art for several years. At the Alkatraz gallery he is going to represent himself with an exhibition entitled Transform/Spread.

Dominik Mahnič employs various media to enact his ideas. This time he is going to make up a play list of digital poetic landscapes created in the recent months. They were created using a computer programme generating computer graphics in real time enabling easier image manipulation. The software he uses offers ideal possibilities that he has been looking for ever since he got engaged in animation. The exhibition’s title is actually two programme commands that he uses a great deal in the computer programme he creates with.

He draws from the world surrounding him as well as the world within as they form an inseparable unity everything intertwines and merges in. He finds inspiration everywhere, in the nature and urbanity. He brings the textures and coloration into his three-dimensional spaces from the environment. These moving illustrations consist of photographs, pictures, illustrations, and other elements. The procedure of creation goes both ways: from the idea to its execution, and from an element to animation.

The installation of the landscapes will be projected on the gallery walls with a simultaneous audio background of the Radio Student programme. This is the music accompanying him at his artistic creation and stimulates him during the creation of visual recordings. Within themselves the recordings bear the author’s experiencing of the world. These are his desires, ideas, conceits…in which you can see his inner drive, urging him to create.

Dominik Mahnič Dominik Mahnič Dominik Mahnič Dominik Mahnič Dominik Mahnič Dominik Mahnič Dominik Mahnič