Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

Group exhibition Holy Rage

07 November 2012 > 26 November 2012 You are cordially invited to the opening of the group exhibition Holy Rage. The opening will take place at the Alkatraz Gallery on Wednesday, 7th November at 8 p.m. Participating artists: Vinko Möderndorfer, Lenka Đorojević, Neža Jurman, Marko Kociper, Marko A. Kovačič, Rok Mohar, Matej Stupica, Andrej Štular, Miha Zadnikar, RV Maček, Arnold Marko, Rok Kušlan and Rainer Franci.

TEXT: Vinko Möderndorfer

COMIC, OBJECTS, INSTALLATIONS: Lenka Đorojević, Neža Jurman, Marko Kociper, Marko A. Kovačič, Rok Mohar, Matej Stupica, Andrej Štular

VOICE AND SOUND: Miha Zadnikar, RV Maček, Arnold Marko, Rok Kušlan, Rainer Franci

»The one who has nothing has to be bereft of that as well! The one who has everything shall have even more! These are the mottos of the last two decades. Twenty years!! My beloved Slovenes!!«

The exhibition entitled The Holy Rage is based on a poem in prose entitled The Holy Rage, a Sermon written by Vinko Möderndorfer in November 2010 for the supplement ‘Saturday Supplement’ of the daily paper Delo. The Holy Rage is a literary-visual critique of the contemporary Slovene society, its authoritative structures and greed. The Holy Rage is a study of the actual condition of things, concrete social and political conditions; it is a story of the collapse of the moral and ethical values and an appeal for union for the freedom of the world.

The participating artists have, each in his or her own way, with their own authorial approach and technique, visually and/or audibly interpreted and upgraded Möderndorfer’s Holy Rage.

Marko Kociper, a comic author, has transformed the poem in prose into a comic narrative and visually further spiced the literary already very juicy depiction of the social condition. The comic album The Holy Rage sums up and interprets Möderndorfer’s sermon on 32 pages. In the role of the narrator, the preacher, there is Badger that we have already got well acquainted with in the previous Kociper’s comics. The dynamics of the narrative in shades of grey is now co-created by full-page illustrations, whilst the album is permeated with the satire in Kociper’s manner.

The object of the multi-media artists Marko Kovačič and Andrej Štular shows the contemporary social situation through which the past is mirroring. The sculpture of Neža Jurman, a graduate of sculpturing points to the position of the cultural production, whilst the sculpture of Rok Mohar problematizes labour. Similarly Matej Stupica, absolvent of the Academy of Fine Arts, with his installation entitled the Cycle of the Precarious, composed of Rog bicycles, mechanized in a cyclic construction, exposes the problematics of (precarious) labour and the accompanying social status and existence. With its cyclic motion the installation personifies the role of precarious ‘working class’ as well as the cyclicality of the system connecting today with tomorrow in uncertainty. Lenka Đorojević shall integrate into her spatial installation her contemplation about the absurd conflict, bare life, micro-slaves, cultural object and political subject, empty space within the turbo-capitalist art work.

The Holy Rage has been translated into an audio image by Miha Zadnikar, RV Maček, Arnold Marko, Rok Kušlan and Rainer Franci.

For the freedom of the world!

Every resemblance / similarity with reality is merely real!


Production: Strip Core/Forum Ljubljana

Coproduction: Galerija Alkatraz / KUD Mreža

Media partner: Radio Študent

Projekt is co-financed by: City Council Ljubljana, Department for CultureMinistry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the
Republic of Slovenia
and The Slovenian Book Agency (JAK)

HOLY RAGE Logotypes