Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
12am - 6pm

28th Biennial of Graphic Arts

04 September 2009 > 25 October 2009 Opening hours of the Gallery Alkatraz: Tuesdey – Sunday 11.00 a.m. – 18.00 p.m.

The 28th Biennial of Graphic Arts is a multifaceted event with a long tradition; it consists of a number of exhibitions as well as other happenings. Once again, the Biennial's central exhibition, The Matrix: An Unstable Reality, on view for two months in Ljubljana galleries, will focus on contemporary graphic art in the broadest sense of the term. At the invitation of the International Centre of Graphic Arts, which proposed the theme of the main show, this idea was further developed and shaped by Galerija Alkatraz, Galerija Ganes Pratt, Galerija Jakopič, Galerija Kapsula, and Galerija Škuc, which are also serving as venues for the Biennial. Alongside the central exhibition, the 28th Biennial of Graphic Arts includes as well the Artist's Book Salon, the traditional exhibition for the winner of the Grand Prize from the previous Biennial, and a number of accompanying exhibitions.

The Matrix: An Unstable Reality
The exhibition responds to certain vital questions for society and art raised by the cult movie trilogy The Matrix. Does a medium stay the same once it incorporates new technologies in its discourse? Does this increase the audience for art? What is the social power of those who possess the matrix? Is the possession of the matrix enough to also justify exclusive reproduction rights? Can we create a perfect world, whether real or virtual? The exhibition offers a selection of more than eighty internationally established and emerging artists. Their work extends from traditional and contemporary printmaking to artist's books and interventions in the public space, in the mass media, and on computers.

artists in alkatraz gallery:
Anita di Bianco, Ivan Grubanov, Cesare Pietrousti, Hungarian Double-tailed Dog, Igor Eškinja, Jakup Ferri, Ahmet Ogut, Juan Perez Agirregoikoa

Galerija Jakopič:
Galerija Kapsula:
Galerija Škuc:
Ganes Pratt:

More about 28th Biennial of Graphic Arts:

Photo: Jasmina Klančar

exhibition exhibition Ivan Grubanov, projection, 2009 Cesare Pietroiusti, Untitled, 3000 drawings, 2009-20016 Double-tailed Dog Party, Smaller Hungary!, poster, 2009 Ahmet Ogut, Perfect Lovers, Two Euro and One YTL coins, instalation, 2008 Ahmet Ogut, Perfect Lovers, Two Euro and One YTL coins, instalation, 2008 Igor Eškinja, Postproduction, 2006, lambda print Jakup Ferri, Untitled, 30 drawing instalation, around 9.5 x 7.5 cm, 2009 Jakup Ferri, Untitled, ink on paper, 2009 Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa, Concert for a raised fist, bag with CDs and poster Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa, Concert for a raised fist, video and posters Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa, Concert for a raised fist, bags with CDs Anita di Bianco, Corrections and clarifications, newspaper, 2009 Anita di Bianco, Corrections and clarifications, newspaper, 2009