Richard Gibson, Kate Maher, Ian O’Neill, Leigh San Juan, Fiona Reilly, Neil Rudden / Caj z Melokom Prossim
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Richard Gibson, Kate Maher, Ian O’Neill, Leigh San Juan, Fiona Reilly, Neil Rudden
Caj z Melokom Prossim Is an exhibition of contemporary art by six Irish artists living and studying in Ljubljana. Each of the artists’ works is individual both in subject matter and the mediums employed, which include painting, drawing, sculpture, video and installation.
The Exhibition is a showcase of works in progress of a group of young artists locating themselves in a foreign city. Each of the pieces opens a discussion about Art practice which knows no boundaries, works which celebrate and discuss everyday life including issues such as Relationships, Language, Science and Personal histories. The issues explored remain presently fundamental as part of our everyday lives.
Fiona Reilly
employs installation art to explore the roll of the artist as archivist. She is captivated by the activities of everyday life and the evidence of these activities; things that go unnoticed and the arbitrary rituals performed by everybody everyday. Constructing her work from found or collected objects Reilly strives to engage with the viewer and invite them to question what is defined as “art”.
Neil Rudden’s
work currently deals with social interaction. His pieces are compilied from found and recycled materials. He aims to create a tension and gain insight into how strangers interact in a confined space, using the reflective qualities of glass. Emotional responses which occur when confronted with a new situation such as intrigue and fear are implied with the dangerous element of the fragmented edges.
Leigh San Juan
works in the field of animations, video and photography combined with drawing.
Light Show is a display of images which explore the shadows in the interior and exterior spaces concerning the human form. Her works are playful explorations of the everyday and different modes of display inspired by the 18th century Toy Theatre and Asian Shadow Theatre.
Ian O’Neill
explores, through drawing and painting, the field of theoretical physics. Encompassing themes including duality, chance and necessity, O’Neill strives to express sublime wonder and beauty inherent in the sub atomic realm, and the equations which offer us a glimpse of their world.
Kate Maher’s
work is based on sculptural installations and creating large personal spaces. At the present time, she is concerned with the possible existence of simultaneous or parallel realities. Here she employs layered representation and different perspectives to show how different people have completely unique experiences of the same situation.
Richard Gibson
approaches painting as a formal exercise. He borrows subjects from a wide range of sources from art history, found photographs, personal photographs, television to pornographic images. He is interested in reaching a mass audience by interpreting ‘high' and 'low' culture images. Through painting, Gibson explores his own interpretation and understanding of imagery.